A rigorous series of computer-based training, project-based workshops, and hands-on rollouts.

The Engineering the Digital Transformation certification process is designed for efficiently rolling out a continuous improvement process specifically designed for software in large organizations. The computer-based training (CBT) for the White Belt Certification makes it easy and efficient to get everyone trained and engaged in the continuous improvement journey. The Green Belt Certification motivates people in your organization to start using White Belt approaches to remove waste and inefficiencies in your organization with support from Continuous Delivery coauthor, David Farley. The Black Belt Certification enables your organization to be self-sufficient.

EDT Book Cover

EDT Certifications

The EDT White Belt training provides companies with the foundational framework and necessary tools needed to complete the Green Belt and Black Belt Certifications.

White Belt

Make Positive Changes & Be a Leader

Make Positive Changes. For practitioners to be successful, they must be ready to make the process visible, document the biggest sources of waste with metrics, and be able to drive a continuous improvement project.

Be a Leader. For leaders to be successful, they must be ready to create a culture of continuous improvement, ensure a systematic approach is propagated through the organization, and understand how to monitor the progress teams are making. They also need to be ready to lead the continuous improvement journey for large complex systems that are beyond the scope of practitioners.


Green Belt

Deliver Improvements

The Green Belt Certification requires completion of a hands-on project applying White Belt principles with an improvement project, certifying that principles for removing waste in your organization have been adapted and successfully applied.


Black Belt

Teach Others & Grow Assets

Successfully completing the Black Belt Certification certifies that you may teach others how to become Green Belt certified or take on a large multi-year project.


Gary Gruver

Author & President of Gruver Consulting

Gary created this Engineering the Digital Transformation system of trainings out of frustration watching people struggle to successfully drive large-scale transformations.


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